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Beer Cocktail: Afternoon Siesta

Yesterday was National Tequila Day! Some friends and I got together to celebrate with a little Taco Tuesday. I, of course being culinarily challenged, provided the drink, and you knoooow I had to have a beer cocktail. I stumbled upon Bon Appetit's Afternoon Siesta and knew it would be an instant hit. A tequila beer cocktail! 

I took the recipe and made an adjustment or two. You need tequila blanco, Campari, lime juice, agave syrup and an American IPA for this bad boy. You can sub the agave for simple syrup, which is what I did. Campari, btw, is a fruit and herb apertif. It looks a lot like Aperol, but it has a higher ABV and is more bitter.

Definitely switch up the IPA with whatever your favorite is. I went with a local legend, Fulton's Sweet Child of Vine. It's a classic IPA that paired really well. 

This tequila beer cocktail lives somewhere between the two. You definitely get the tequila smell, but the taste is tempered by the IPA. All the while it feels like you're drinking a boozy beer. I'm going to go ahead and recommend you whip this up for your next Taco Tuesday, fiesta, afternoon in the backyard, whatever! It's a delectible summer sipper.

Afternoon Siesta Tequila Beer Cocktail


3/4 oz. Campari

3/4 oz. tequila blanco

3/4 oz. fresh lime juice

1/2 oz. simple syrup

8 oz. American IPA (I used Fulton Sweet Child of Vine)

lime for garnish


1. Pour Campari, tequila, lime juice and simple syrup in a shaker with ice.

2. share for about 30 seconds, until contents feel cold.

3. Pour into pint glass and top off with the beer. Be careful to pour slowly!